Professionals for the Export and Commercialization of Egg and Egg Products
OvoMarket is a company focused on the commercialization and export of eggs and egg products from Spain
Founded in the year 2000, we have the confidence of Spanish farmers thanks to the neutrality and transparency of our team.
As a result of this trust, ProeggSpain was created in 2013, a commercial platform created by a group of Spanish farms dedicated to the production of fresh eggs, whose principle objective is joint commercialization, particularly for export.
Altogether, the 35 farms of the Proegg Group account for more than 17 million layers and 42 approved packing stations.
OvoMarket provides a unique advantage so that egg buyers can negotiate prices (spot market and contracts) and establish long-term cooperation directly with the farms in Proegg Spain.
Proegg invoices all operations and provides a direct access channel to Spanish farms, and to the purchase of eggs in Spain, without intermediaries.
OvoMarket is a company focused on the commercialization and export of eggs and egg products from Spain
Founded in the year 2000, we have the confidence of Spanish farmers thanks to the neutrality and transparency of our team.
As a result of this trust, ProeggSpain was created in 2013, a commercial platform created by a group of Spanish farms dedicated to the production of fresh eggs, whose principle objective is joint commercialization, particularly for export.
Altogether, the 35 farms of the Proegg Group account for more than 17 million layers and 42 approved packing stations.
OvoMarket provides a unique advantage so that egg buyers can negotiate prices (spot market and contracts) and establish long-term cooperation directly with the farms in Proegg Spain.

Proegg invoices all operations and provides a direct access channel to Spanish farms, and to the purchase of eggs in Spain, without intermediaries.
Our work methods are as follows:
Supply concentration
Given the high volume of production of our partners, we have the capacity and speed of response to any customer need.
Professionalization of commercial management
The group's commercial management is channeled through OvoMarket, a company specialized in the marketing and export of eggs and egg products, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector. The commercial and administrative management of the platform, carried out by OvoMarket, is supported by all Proegg partners.
Quality and traceability
Each company that is part of Proegg Spain has complete control of the egg production cycle: from the preparation of feed and the raising of chickens, to the classification and final preparation of eggs for marketing, thus guaranteeing quality and traceability. in each operation. Each farm has the necessary permits and audits to operate in the European and world market with all the guarantees of quality and traceability.
Concentration of information
Both Proegg Spain partners and our clients have access to objective information about the market situation generated by our own activity.
Share costs
The study, segmentation, location and monitoring of a new market requires an economic and time effort, and the business structure of the poultry farmers invites to join forces. That is one of the reasons why we created Proegg Spain and OvoMarket. We work with Euler Hermes, one of the world leaders in collection insurance, to guarantee the collection of operations.


We adapt to the needs of our clients, working with INCOTERM that they need in each operation.
We work with international transport operators, who collect the product from the farms and are in charge of all logistics management, working directly with the farms and adapting to the needs of our clients. We operate from all Spanish ports (Valencia, Algeciras, Barcelona, Tarragona, Castellón, Bilbao,…).
We pack our eggs in top quality cartons, proven by our experience and expertise in the international egg trade. (HOZK and KOZ-360 eggs / box), white or printed with our clients’ logo). In 40-foot reefer high cube containers used in shipping, we load between 1,150 and 1,248 HOZK boxes and 931 KOZ boxes.
We export to all the countries of the European Union. We take care of organizing the logistical management of operations.
Since 2015 we have become European leaders in egg exports to non-European countries, thanks to exports to North America, Asia and Africa.
Eggs code 2 and 3.
- XL: more than 73 gr.
- L: between 63 – 73 gr.
- M: between 53 – 63 gr.
- S: less than 53 gr.
Ask for information.
Eggs code 1.
Eggs code 0.
Ask for information.
Proegg Spain, S.L. | OvoMarket España, S.L.
C/Recondo s/n (Renfe External Offices)
47007 Valladolid (Spain)
Rafael Toribio (CEO) (+34) 659 483 740
Andrew Rosenzweig (Export) (+34) 639 391 766
Tomás San Antonio (Marketing) (+34) 639 391 717
Ana García (Administration) (+34) 983 219 306
Sergio Gómez (Admin. and Logistics) (+34) 983 219 306